Just 3 Short Steps Left to go!

1– What to Work On? Hi, this is TigerBill and I teach my private one-on-one lessons over the Internet using Skype and other similar services. If you have a preference of what you’d like me to cover in your lesson, such as hand or foot technique, music theory, grooves, etc., include a brief description when you send your Support Ticket to me (covered in step #3 below). If not, no problem. We can discuss it at your lesson.

2 Select Your Lesson Date: Select a couple of dates and times that would be best for you to take your lesson.

3 Contact me: Click on my Support Desk to create a ticket. Write Drum Lesson in the subject line and include the info from the above 2 steps in the ticket. Send it to me and that’s it!

Watch your inbox for my response and get ready to rock!

I’m looking forward to working with you!

Stay loose,
