
Welcome to TigerMix.com. This site is a portal to just what the site name says: A mixture of what we have to offer you in our fields of expertise, which include Drumming, Business, and Lifestyles.

If you have an interest in any of these areas, please join us at any of our sites listed on the Navigation Bar above for access to Free information, tips, tricks, and expert newsletters.

Choose any or all of the Sites above to learn the latest on the subjects of

  • Drumming: Covering Tension Free Drumming Concepts to help you play to the max without danger of physical injury
  • Business: Providing the training and tools you need to start, build, and maintain a successful, sustainable online business
  • Lifestyle: Covering food, fitness, family, safety, and self-defense

There are 3 ways you can make use of any of our sites:

  1. If you are the careful type who isn’t sure whether to share your email or not, no problem, we’ve got you covered. Just dropdown Welcome To Our Sites on the navigation bar above and click the site desired. You’ll get free access to lots of info. No sharing of email required. This is kind of like standing outside the window of our house, looking in.
  2. If you prefer to receive our site specific newsletter so you’ll never miss the latest in the world of Drumming News, Business News, or Lifestyle News, register for our Free newsletter(s)/email list(s) by dropping down Newsletters on the nav bar above and clicking on the newsletter desired. The option will take you to a page on the site that tells you how to register.
  3. And don’t forget to Shop TigerBill’s Best on the nav bar, by dropping down and selecting each of the shops that float your boat. These options will take you to the shopping area for each of our specialized niches. Enjoy, and be sure to check back periodically to see the new stuff we’ve added.

We hope that helps. If you have any questions on any of the above, check the FAQ here. If that doesn’t answer your question, feel free to contact us through our TigerMix Support Desk.

We’ve spent countless hours on research to make sure that our info is accurate and useful, not simply regurgitated from the latest news blurb.

Thanks for your interest.

We look forward to seeing you on the inside.

To your health, your drumming, and your business!

–TigerBill and the TigerMix Team